How does outsourced bookkeeping work?

Outsourced bookkeeping is a cost-effective alternative to hiring in-house bookkeepers. Outsourced bookkeepers work on your books on your behalf using accounting software or other tools to manage your financial data. Most accounting apps and platforms will allow them to read-only access to your financial data.

Outsourced bookkeeping is a part-time or full-time employee for small- to medium-sized businesses

Hiring an outside company to perform bookkeeping is an excellent way to get more accurate and timely results. It means your staff can focus on other tasks.

Outsourcing bookkeeping helps small-to-medium-sized businesses streamline their operations and cut costs. These services are flexible and can be scaled to meet your business’s needs. They provide accurate records and documentation for taxes and potential audits and help you maintain business continuity.

Small business owners often don’t have a large budget, making it difficult to hire full-time employees. Technology has made outsourcing as affordable and efficient as hiring an in-house bookkeeper. Many back-office outsourcing firms provide various services, including hourly rates, flat monthly service fees, and a la carte packages.

Outsourced bookkeeping at is an effective way to manage your business’ finances and free up your time to run your business more efficiently. It allows business owners to focus on other areas, such as customer service, monitoring processes, and improving operations.

It is a digital process

The outsourced bookkeeping process involves a digital relationship between a business manager and a professional accounting firm. It consists in categorizing and maintaining comprehensive records of all financial transactions. The result is a complete analysis of the financial health of a business. While some people use the terms accountant and bookkeeper interchangeably, the two terms are not the same.

To begin an outsourced bookkeeping process, you’ll need to provide your outsourced bookkeeper with access to your accounting software and financial information. It’s important to grant them view-only access to avoid inappropriate activity. Once they have the information, the service can share it with you in real-time. It makes it convenient for both parties.

Outsourced bookkeepers typically transition your books to a digital platform, which makes the bookkeeping process much simpler. 

Another benefit of outsourcing your bookkeeping is that the data is stored offsite. It means that your company can access it anywhere, from a tablet to a smartphone. Additionally, outsourced bookkeepers can use cloud-based technology for greater accuracy and collaboration with colleagues. 

Cloud bookkeeping software makes it much easier to outsource these functions and can deliver comprehensive reports that help you make informed decisions.

It is a dedicated team

When you outsource bookkeeping, you’ll work with a team of experts committed to providing the best possible service for your business. Whether your business needs a few hours a month of bookkeeping or a dedicated team that handles all your bookkeeping needs, an outsourced team will have your back. This team will ensure your books are up to date, use the proper technology, and deliver accurate financial statements.

Hiring an outsourced team can offer peace of mind and save your business money. The team will collect and organize data related to daily financial transactions, keep track of your expenses, and prepare your payroll. Your outsourced team will also prepare your company’s financial reports, maintain your ledgers, and post invoices.

You’ll be freed up to focus on your business when you outsource bookkeeping. It means no more chasing down late payments or worrying about your due dates. Instead, you’ll be able to concentrate on your business’s growth and success. Outsourced bookkeeping is a great way to ensure your company’s financial health, and you can rest easy knowing that your data is being handled with the highest level of security.

It is cheaper than hiring an in-house bookkeeper

Hiring a bookkeeper in-house is expensive because it requires extensive training, office space, and other equipment. In addition to salary, benefits package, and training costs, many other expenses are involved in hiring an employee. Outsourced bookkeeping costs are far less because you only need to pay one fee to a team of specialists. Moreover, outsourced bookkeepers have the experience and expertise to conduct accurate bookkeeping.

Outsourcing also lowers the risk of accounting fraud. Most outsourced firms use strict separation of duties and rigorous steps to produce financial statements. Different levels of employees review each step, reducing the chances of fraud. Moreover, outsourced bookkeepers work with people who enjoy bookkeeping.